31 December 2013

A New Year!

My first six months in Chicago has been a whirlwind.

I finished my first Quarter at DePaul incredibly impressed - with my professors, my colleagues, the city, and the school in general.  This was somewhat of a gamble joining a program in its third year, but the rewards have been palpable.  Getting in on the ground floor of something that will likely rise the ranks in just a few years is terribly exciting, and I know it has helped me immeasurably as a writer.

I'm incredibly excited (and a little nervous) for the new Quarter to start next week.  And as I enter into it, I'm reminded that it's been almost 4 years since I launched Next Episode (and just over 15 since I came up with Shiprock Pictures as a "company" name back in college!  I remind myself it's only been a few months since I made the domain my blog and I feel a little better).

I'm also faced with the fact that, for these past several years, I've been more than a little lazy, writing and producing-wise.  So I can't help but make that part of my NY resolution:

2014 - The year of getting sh*t done.

And this time, I mean it.